Thursday, May 5, 2011

Web Design Mistakes That Your Web Designer Really Should Avoid And Be Aware Of

No matter whether you're creating a website for your small business without any help or hiring a web designer or web design company to perform it for you, listed here are the common mistakes that your web designer really should avoid in order to make sure that your website as well as business will become effective.

Utilizing Large Images

Although a picture may paint a thousand words however when you're making use of resolution pictures on your homepage and just merely pulling the corners to shrink it, you should be conscious these may take some time to load depending on the connection of your readers. Needless to say, men and women want to obtain quick results. Remember that the 10 or 20 seconds essential to load your gamut of pictures may mean the difference for people to stay around your site or look away.

Creating Large Pages

Always be aware of the size of the page. Designing your website with an unusually large resolution will make your viewer not able to get the full picture of the site initially.

This makes your reader scroll from left to right just to be able to see the complete site. Of course, this is not anything that every reader looks forward to or willing to see. Be sure to choose a resolution which may be seen by most monitors.

Not Consistently Keeping The Site Updatef

Just in case your site has existed for quite a while, make sure that you keep it current and up-to-date with fresh information including the contact information, areas under headings and specially the copyright information just in case you have one.

Just in case you have items which are old more like 5 to 6 years old and then they are no more regarded as news because they're history thus to attempt to file them in your archives.

Guest or viewers want to be kept updated regarding the latest news as well as activities in your website that is why make sure to post the newest articles, items or information.

Creating A Website With Unfriendly Navigation

It's very important to ensure that you are creating a website with friendly navigation. Ensure that you don't let your website visitors get lost in your site. Make certain that you have friendly navigational tools, including buttons, clear links or drop down menus in order to make things clear and simple to understand.

Just in case you're employing a website designer to do it for you then treat your site like an outline and provide web designer a written outline of the way you want your website to be and what topic or theme falls under which category.

Adding Blank Pages

You website designer must avoid adding blank pages since they're a total waste of time, space and money. Additionally, this is make readers presume that you don't update and maintain your website. In case you find your site having a blank page then fill it up with additional information or just dispose of.

Designing With No the Required Skills

Except of course if you're truly web savvy and know your HTML for your Java, it will be best to seek the services of a competent web designer to build your site as this will assist you not waste time. Obtaining a skilled web designer can for sure help you eliminate the frustration of finding out how things are completed. The key thing is that you know what you are looking for and you can clearly clear this idea to your website designer therefore all you have to perform is fine-tune the web site based on the output. Always bear in mind the fact that a professional looking website echos your business.

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